June 27, 2012

Trying Lomi

Just like grandma's cooking..

When it comes to food, one must always keep an open mind! I always enjoy trying out hole-in-the-wall restaurants because they always are the ones which actually served the best dishes! Same goes for Filipino cuisine in which you know you're gonna have the best when the place looks less like a restaurant and more like your grandma's back kitchen!

After a port inspection in Batangas, the crew and I opted to stop at Carlos & Gloria to finally see what the craze was about. A simple eatery from the outside, we always wondered why the place was packed with parked vehicles in front during lunch time!


Lomi is actually a Filipino-Chinese dish made of thick egg noodles in a thick, rich broth usually topped with kikiam or meatballs. I've never really tried Lomi before so I didn't know what to expect. Thankfully Aleng Gloria was there as served me her specialty!

I found Aleng Gloria's version of lomi more special because instead of using processed meat, roasted chicken and lumpiang shanghai were used to top the soup rather than kikiam. The very seasoned (and thick) broth, perfectly tender noodles, and flavorful meats certainly reminded me of something only a grandma could make!

My first lomi experience is definitely a memorable one thanks to Aleng Gloria!
