July 3, 2012

Foie Gras Macaron

I have loved French Macarons for years..but this is definitely a first!

As a post-celebration night cap, I got Ate Ketz to try out The Cake Clubs' Foie Gras Macaron. Usually sold out on weekend, I was lucky enough to visit the store being fully stocked with these little babies!

After the first bite..

Just like what my friend said, it is definitely an interresting dessert.
Im a big fan of the whole salty and sweet combination that I was imagining that kind of bliss when eating this macaron. The experience however wasn't as I hoped. I do adore french macarons and foie gras, but I guess I was being greedy to put to two amazing things together and hope for an even more amazing outcome!

I think that with a macaron supposedly being a very sweet and delicate treat, this persona was too contradicted with the very strong flavors of foie gras. I guess the two are just better off seperate..

Definitely worth a try but not something I would be craving for :/


The Cake Club
Upper Ground Floor
Bonifacio High Street Central
East Superblock
7th Avenue
Fort Bonifacio