August 26, 2012

Com Tam Thanh

Vietnamese Sunday Dinner

After church, Car and I met Tita Rosie for dinner at Com Tam Thanh which was right between her house and Car's condo.

Photo above: Fresh Springrolls with Shrimp and Chicken

I'm a sucker for fresh spring rolls so I was really excited to try these..

Although these were pretty good, I was surprised that the noodles they used we're pretty thick rice noodles which seemed to be thicker than spaghetti. I have to say that I prefer the texture of the more commonly used rice noodles which are similar to the size of angel hair pasta for it makes it easier to eat the spring roll.

Grilled Chicken with Vermicelli Noodles

This dish I really liked! Perfectly cooked noodles mixed with a sauce that had the right balance of sweet and tangy. Also, Com Tam Thanh was very generous with the grilled chicken, making this dish really worth it.

So despite some saying otherwise.. I would have to say the Com Tam Thanh is a pretty good vietnamese restaurant that is worth trying for it is a good place to get quick Vietnamese inspire meals which are tasty and affordable. Although if you're looking for something more might not enjoy this place as much... 

Hope all are having a great Sunday!


Con Tam Thanh
5733 Stevenson Boulevard