December 28, 2010

December 2010 Part Deux

On our last night in Baguio, we opted to top things off by having dinner in Hamada! Nothing like teppan chow cooking to continue the yuletide festivities.

Fresh meats! Couldn't wait to get things started!

First on our plate was the sauteed veggies

Followed by shrimps...

Can't have teppan without steak...

and last was the chicken!

All of that served with a side a fried rice!

and for dessert...
Fruit Flambe and..

Tempura Ice Cream
You should have seen these desserts vanish so quickly!

Hamada never fails to serve classic Japanese dishes using only the best and freshest ingredients! A place truly worth going to Baguio for! (as if Baguio itself isn't enough..)

So while I truly enjoyed our gastronomic food indulgences this season, I hope you and your family are had a great holiday season also!
