November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012!

Start of the holiday season in the Sison household..

It's about this time of the year when the house starts to really feel the holiday spirit. It's during this time when relatives start coming over, Christmas decorations are fully up, and of course, the smell of holiday food fill the entire house

We never used to celebrate Thanksgiving actually. It was only when my sister moved to San Francisco that our entire family started celebrating this holiday since we wanted to somehow celebrate it with my sister even if we are thousands of miles away.

(photo above)
Mom's Bacon Wrapped Turkey!
Served with Bacon infused stuffing, roasted baby potatoes, assorted veggies, and Kielbasa.  

an excuse to eat til our heart's content during a weekday/workday hahaha!

Sherrie brought home Claudette's Cloud 9 for dessert

Moist and delicate chocolate sponge cake layered with vanilla cream and smothered with milk chocolate. How can I resist?? 

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!

I surely have a lot to be thankful for this year :)


118 Valero Street
Salcedo Village