August 7, 2012

New Toy!

A surprise from mom and dad

I'm not sure if you've noticed, but ice cream has been the latest hobby of mine inside the kitchen. Despite the great amount of patience it requires, I find making ice cream actually easier and more convenient than baking because for one, I don't have to stare at a hot oven the whole time, and two, I can do it anytime as long as i have fruit, milk, or even chocolate at hand!

So not only do I get to make fresh ice cream for the family, but I get to control the amount of sugars and  what not in the mixture and assuring that no additive are placed, making it a healthy alternative that we could eat often!

The Rolls-Royce of ice cream makers!

Despite my other trusty ice cream maker that is also of the same brand, the reason I really wanted this model from Cuisinart because its the only one which doesn't require pre-freezing the bowl overnight. So now I simply have to make my ice cream mixture and pour it immediately into the machine thanks to the built in compressor, cutting down my prep time in half!

Can't wait to give it a test run!
