Off to London we go
To officially start out euro trip, Car and I boarded a 9 hour flight to Heathrow.
Some might find it weird but I actually enjoy airplane food. Makes me feel like as if I'm having the packed lunches my mom used to give me in grade school which came in those Tupperware's with never ending container dividers!
photo above: Chicken Tikka Masala
So I gave in to rice... So although the Masala had the traditional flavors the tomato and coriander fusion often used with Chicken TIkka Masala, the dish was greatly lacking its main star, the tikka (chicken). I think I roughly had 3 small chunks :(
Chocolate Marble Cheesecake
Thankfully dessert made up for the missing chicken pieces..
This cheesecake was so smooth, velvety, and melt-in-your-mouth!
Now to take a 7 hour snooze...zzz