August 2, 2012

Revisiting John and Yoko

Not only has it been a while since I hung out with on of my dearest friends, Raisa, but I realized that it has been quite some time since I last ate in John and Yoko. I remember how my family used to brave the weekend traffic just to get to Greenbelt 5 so that I could have my Foie Grad fried rice.

Thankfully, John and Yoko has found its way back into my life (well, more of getting into my territory haha) since it opened its latest branch at the new wing of Alabang Town Center. 

Still funky!

Kudos to John and Yoko for staying in touch with their funky vibe and atmosphere!
Just makes the whole dining experience more fun.

Seafood Yakisoba

Since I'm still fasting from rice, I opted for another favorite, the yakisoba.
Still the same amazing stir-fry flavors just as how I remembered it! 

Salmon Head Miso

Raisa's always been a big fan of soups and ramen that this dish screams her personality!
A simple dish of salmon head stewed in a rich miso broth. 
Despite its simplicity, this soups was actually very tasty and satisfying!

Raisa likes to fish out the salmon head and dip it with John and Yoko's signature chili powder.. Will keep that it mind on my next visit!

There's nothing like spending a rainy evening bonding with friends and revisiting the good old times!


John and Yoko
Basement, New Wing
Alabang Town Center
Commerce Avenue