August 26, 2012

Pasta in Peanut Sauce with Cucumber and Spinach

Topped with Honey-Soy Chicken

Due to a sudden craving..I decided to whip up a Thai-inspired pasta dish with ingredients readily available in the fridge and pantry.

Also..this recipe is one pot cooking which means less dishes to wash!!

Before anything else..start by marinating your chicken.
I used 2 boneless-skinless chicken thighs which I marinated in...

Honey-Soy Chicken Marinade
4 tbsps Soy Sauce
2 tbsps Sesame Oil
2 tbsp Brown Sugar
1 tbsps Honey
2 cloves crushed garlic
pinch of salt and pepper

I basically mixed all of the ingredients together and poured the marinade all over the chicken which I then covered and left in the fridge for about 4 hours. 

So when you're just about ready to eat..

Start by cooking your pasta

As you can see I used a not stick pot
I find that its the easiest to clean and most versatile to use especially with this one-pot dish.

Once your pasta is cooked, transfer the cooked pasta into a bowl and then discard the pasta water..but leaving about half a cup which we would be using later one.

Once the pot is can go make the peanut sauce..

Peanut Sauce
2 tbsps Creamy Peanut Butter
2 tbsps Soy Sauce
1 tbsps Sesame Oil
2 tbsps Honey
Pinch of Salt and Pepper
Pasta Water

Now with the pot heated on low, just pour all ingredients into the pot and stir until you get a smooth, creamy consistency. As for the pasta water, just add a few tablespoons of pasta water into the peanut sauce to thin it out a bit

Once the sauce is well incorporated, you can toss back your cooked pasta into the pan

Add some chopped cucumber
leave the pot heated on low so that the heat could soften the cucumbers

toss in a handfull of baby spinach

Place tossed pasta and veggies into the serving bowl and the set aside

Now onto the chicken

After wipping the pot clean..
Simple cook the chicken on high heat with a little oil on the pan

Fry until chicken is cooked all through out and with a crusty, caramelized texture on the outside

Actually, the reason as to why I used both sugar and honey was because the honey gives the chicken the sweetness it needs while the brown sugar allows the chicken to caramelize once cooked..

Simply slice the cooked chicken and then place on top of the pasta!

Hope you enjoy this quick and easy thai-inspired pasta dish!
