August 5, 2012

Tita Isa's Seafood Bouillabaise

A long, ongoing tradition; our family always heads over to the Antolins' every first sunday for our monthly brunch. This gathering give our families a chance to step out of reality, chat, laugh, and bond; all while enjoying the best home-cooked meals imaginable!

So despite being a wet afternoon, we didn't let the weather rain on our parade as Tita Isa made the perfect rainy-weather food, Seafood Bouillabaisse! 

Overflowing with a vide variety of seafood such as shrimp, clams, squid, and dory; Tita Isa made a special twist to this very rustic, Provencal dish my making things a little bit more spicy and peppery.

Definitely combats the melanochol-ic weather!
