April 9, 2012

Gong Cha

Afternoon Milk Tea Break

I must admit that my milk tea phase has died down a bit.. 
But with my sister still constantly craving this milky concoction, she just had to bring mom and I to satisfy he craving. Thanks to the newly opened wing of Alabang Town Center, we have a broadened variety of milk tea shops. Our pick of the day, Gong Cha

We all ended up ordering the same thing which was the Winter-Melon Milk Tea with pearl add-ons.
I really liked the unique flavor of Gong Cha's Winter melon for it had somewhat earthy note but still fresh and creamy. Very different from the usual winter-melon varient of other tea shops.

The pearl however was disappointing for they lacked sweetness.. they weren't fun to munch on while sipping our drinks and opted to just let them sink and drink around them.. 
Note to self..just order the tea next time...

Did like the green matcha garnish hehe 


Gong Cha
Lower Ground Floor
Expansion Wing
Alabang Town Center
Muntinlupa City