May 22, 2012


I spot another shopping district.. ;)

As if Gyeongbokgung palace wasn't already a tourist attraction..
Just to the left of the palace comes a new favorite of mine.. Samcheong Dong

I know that you might be thinking of course its now part of my go-to places in Seoul because it is a shopping district but Samcheong-dong is definitely something different. Instead of the usual chaos one would find in Myeondong and sometimes Insadong, Samcheong-dong is a much more peaceful street. Here, you can take your time just strolling, window shopping at Korean Atelier's, and sipping some some coffee in quant, hidden cafes. 

Of course being situated right beside the Palace and home of the Blue House, the official residence of South Korea's Head of state, Samcheong-dong is truly a prime piece of land, which means expensive goods..but don't me intimidated because with an open mind, you'd sure;y be able to find something.. I did :D

Another beautiful, tree-lined, shopping district!

After a quick lap around the premises, 
it was for some refreshments!
Right infront of the gate to the Blue House we found Market Elcasa!

It was actually a really pleasant visit to Market Elcasa because not only were we able to find some good refreshments, but we made a new friend..actually he found us!

While my friends and I were murmuring in Tagalog as we waited for our order, one of the Korean servers approached us and as it turns out he actually grew up in the Philippines and went to highschool there.. a small world indeed!

The simple and rustic facade of Market Elcasa

Order window!

The best pineapple smoothie I've ever had!

What I really like about Market Elcasa's smoothies is that they guarantee 100% fruit shakes..
so no additives whatsoever..just fruit, ice, and a little bit of water to make things smoother in the blender keeping things very natural! Nothing overly sweetened or artificially flavored here!

Another place to look forward too when visiting Seoul!

Maybe we'll bump into our new friend again someday..
