May 21, 2012

Seoul Olympic Park

Let's get physical!

Of course a visit to Seoul wouldn't be complete without a visit to the Seoul Olympic Park!

Built in to host the 1988 Summer Olympics.. Seoul Olympic Park now boasts of several gymnasiums and arena catering to various sport events such as swimming, tennis, gymnastics, etc.

Nowadays, the park is a pretty popular place for locals as a major concert venue as well as a place to relax and unwind.  Nothing beats sitting on a blanket under the shades of the tress and enjoying a good book or even chatting with friends.

Olympic Flame
This is supposed to be the very same flame from the 1988 Summer Olympics!

Since it was a sports complex..we decided that it was only fitting to explore the place while riding bikes... but instead of having our own individual bicycle, our guide suggested to try this..
a four seater bike!

Me behind the wheel
having 3 extra peddlers proved to be an even more difficult task than just riding an individual bike

Spam Samgak Kimbap
(sometimes simply called rice triangles)

I really needed this after the workout we had from biking around!
Luckily there was a Family Mart in the park!

I must say that Samgak Kimbap was my go-to snack while in Seoul because not only were they a complete meal in itself.. but they were readily available in all convenience store such as 711 and Family Mart..

Now to enjoy my Samgak Kimbap
(and to catch my breath!)
