May 24, 2012

School Food

Post-Grad Dinner in Lotte World

After being given the entire afternoon off to wonder around.. 
our group was scheduled to meet up in Lotte World for dinner and a post-grad treat to go around the Lotte World theme park!

School Food!
After having authentic Korean food for the past 3 weeks
it was time for us to try a modern take on the cuisine!

Tuna Kimbap
Always a good one!

Breakfast Kimbap
Our group went crazy for this!
Instead of just the usual spam kimbap..School Food made it extra special by wrapping the entire roll with fried egg.. Since i'm a sucker for having breakfast for dinner..there's nothing like mixing breakfast and dinner together with a Korean flare!

same, good old' tteokbokki just served more modernly :D

Korea's version of "blood sausage"
Sundae is basically sausage stuffed with vermicelli noodles, barley, pork blood.
Thinking is would taste like dinuguan (a Filipino delicacy which also uses pork blood), I was actually surprised that it tasted like an ordinary sausage. The texture is something one has to get used to though because the noodles gave it a rather gummy bite that others might not really be fond of. It was worth a try but not sure if I'll be craving this anytime soon..

So while the others head for the rides, a quick side trip for me to the Lotte Department Store!
