May 11, 2012

Friday Shabu Shabu

Kicking off the weekend!

As our first week of Korean language classes comes to an end
the KLI faculty and admin kindly treated our small group to Korea's version of shabu shabu
just two blocks away from the KLI building

Unlike back home where in it is common for us to share one pot..
We all got individual pots of broth a with all the trimmings 0.0

We also get individual meet platters... 
this is gonna be one hearty (or may I say heavy) lunch haha!

Really loved there dipping sauce!

Thinking that we were done after eating all our meats, noodles, and veggies..
we were served hot porridge... A very tasty (and filling haha) end to our meal!

Maesil Cha
Delicious Korean Plum Tea 
Served chilled, the best palette cleanser I've ever had!
If only they sold this in tea bags so that I could bring some home

Thank you to the wonderful and kind faculty of KLI for the sumptuous meal!
