May 19, 2012

Settling down in Seoraksan

Our hotel...

With Seoraksan being quite a drive from Seoul, it was best to just spend the night here..
Nothing like spending some bumming time in a resort with relaxing views...

So after getting our things settled in our hotel rooms,
 we walked just a couple of blocks over to this restaurant

Sweet and Sour Fish

Staying with our "relaxing" and "one with nature" theme for this trip..
the group was trying to stay away from meat and poultry.. luckily there was fish

Not really sure what kind of fish they served, but it had very similar taste to eel..
I just hope it was eel (?!)


Korean Scallion Pancake
A perfect pairing with the fish..
went really well dipped with the sweet and sour sauce!

오징어 순대

Korean Stuffed Squid
Since we were just really craving for some was out alternative.
The squid is basically stuffed with a pork mixture that is also often used as dumpling filling
Actually really good :D

Korean Coffee

Love how most traditional Korean restaurants have these coffee vendos 
serving free coffee you can take upon leaving..

Warning though... the coffee from these vendo's are usually very sweet..
but since the cups are just half filled..nothing a handy bottled-water-in-the-backpack can't fix!!

After all that hiking..I'm sure to have a goodnight's sleep tonight!!
