July 14, 2013

Cheese Fondue for Two

the wonders of using a crock pot!

Although coming from a very hectic business trip to Chicago this week, one thing Car did enjoy was a fondue dinner she shared with her co-workers during the trip. Luckily, with the fondue prepared table side at the restaurant, Car was able to take note of the key ingredients and promised to recreate it once she got home.

This meant a Sunday fondue dinner for me!

Our dippers for the night were cubes of French baguette, cherry tomatoes, baby carrots, and brocolli

Plus a side of sauteed kielbasa with onions as our meat for this meal.

Going with a French blend, we opted to go for the grated cheeses to save us some time..

So to the begin with the fondue, start with good bottle of white wine

Car got to it right after I opened the bottle lol

We poured about 1 cup of white wine into the crock pot

followed by 2 cloves crushed garlic

once the wine-garlic mixture started to simmer, we then added the cheeses.

Mix until melted and smooth

Start dipping!

My favorite dipper was the cherry tomato

The the juicy tomato which bursts in your mouth just helps break the very rich flavours of the cheese, keeping things tasting fresh for the palette

I have to share that the cheese fondue turned out so good that the crock pot was squeaky clean after we were done eating. Might invest on an electric fondue set in the near future, but for now, this crock pot is gonna be feeling quite cheesy!
