September 12, 2012

Dolce Vita Roma

our version of Eat.Pray.Love

With only a total of 8 hours in Rome, our family was able to have our very own Eat.Pray.Love adventure. Eat stood for enjoying various brands and flavours of gelato. Pray, for which we were very lucky to actually have a silent moment for prayer inside the Sistine Chapel. And of course Love, which basically meant falling in love with everything the Rome has to offer!

Emperor's box overlooking the chariot-racing arena

The Colosseum

Trevi Fountain

Unfortunately, the left side of the fountain was undergoing restoration so most of our photos focused towards the center

at least we got to make a wish!

Gelato break in front of the Trevi fountain

Pistachio and Dark Chocolate

Despite the fact the Italian Gelato contains more sugar than your ordinary ice cream,
I found that authentic gelato has a very subtle sweetness which allows the main flavors to be highlighted. As well as having a more velvety, rich texture that is a far cry from the sometimes overly milky consistency of store-bought ice creams.

St. Peter's Sguare

the courtyard of the Vatican museum

wigging out..

keeping up with the olympic season

and then back on board for some more gelato!


Thanks again to Discovery Tours for our magnificent tour around Rome!
For hassle free tours and sightseeing around Italy, please check out Discovery Tours for they really offer the best car services as well as accommodating and well-versed tour guides!