September 13, 2012

Still under the Tuscan Sun

The Leaning Tower of Pisa

A morning trip to Pisa followed by a food and wine pairing class in Montecarlo

*no cliche pushing-the-leaning-tower pictures here hahaha*

Like I said before, anther day, another adventure.. Thankfully ever tour that we have been on always had a new experience in store for the family.

Piazza dei Duomo
Was truly amazed by the arrangement and architecture of the cathedral square which was built to symbolise the various stages of Christian life.

Starting from the north entrance of the Baptistry and exiting through the back of the building..

this area marks every man's entrance to the world of God

Just a short walk from the baptistry is the Pisa Cathedral

This symbolises man's life with God

The intricate details and architecture of old cathedrals never fail to amaze me

and then right beside the church you would find an outdoor mausoleum 
symbolising the end..

I didn't take a picture because I wanted to pay respects to those who were laid to rest there..

and then off to Montecarlo, Tuscany
for a wine pairing course and lunch!

The beautiful Borgo La Torre

The hotel has their very own wine cellar where they produce they're very own wines with the use of state of the art equipment

But despite the advances in technology, wooden barrels are still the containers to age wines!

so this is where they keep the light..

Then it was time for the pairing class and lunch...
the sign assured us that we were in very good hands!

Salt-Free Tuscan Bread

a delicacy, I actually enjoyed the stark bland-ness taste of the bread
My mom opted to slather it with salted butter...

First Course
a classic Penne Marinara paired with white wine

2nd Course
An assortment of cold cuts and cheeses paired with a full bodies red wine.

The highlight of this course for me was the crusty bread drizzled with local olive oil.
The olive oil had very intense flavors and fruity notes that is a far cry from the usual olive oils we use in the kitchen. 

Last course..
Biscotti for dessert

Paired with Vino Santo

Also known as "holy wine", all you have to do is simply dip the biscotti into the very rich, sweet, almost syrupy wine which then releases a whole new dimension in flavor.

I was actually surprised how the wine tasted differently when just sipped rather than with it being mixed with biscotti. The biscotti actually highlighted the alcoholic taste of the wine. 

after finishing the Vino Santo..It seemed like a very good idea to just jump in the pool and relax..
Unfortunately we had to get back to the ship...

as an extended treat, Borgo La Torre sells various snacks which they serve in the restaurant
such as the biscotti

and Olive Oil!

Biggest regret was not buying a bottle :(


Borgo La Torre
Via di Montecarlo 7