March 20, 2013

Shawarma Snack Center

In search for sustenance in BF

On the rare occasion the we get-together on weekdays; Mon, Javi, and I decided to give Shawarma Snack Center since we were already in BF anyway and it would have given us the opportunity to catch up a little bit longer.

Just along President's Avenue

S.S.C. was highly recommended by one of our high school friends.

The straight forward menu

decisions decisions..

Since we were at a Shawarma place, I ordered the Special Beef Shawarma
with special meaning the larger variant. 

Although they were generous with the meats and veggies, I found the shawarma to be a little lack-luster. The meat needed a little more seasoning and flavouring. The sauce also needed some work.  For shawarma, I was expecting the sauce to be creamy and garlicky. All I got was milky...

I initially was excited to try out everything on the menu. But for a Shawarma place to be a bit questionable with their "Special Shawarma".. I now have my doubts..

Maybe we'll give it another chance...


Shawarma Snack Center
42 President's Avenue
BF Homes