March 17, 2013

Sisons'SeoulAdventure2013: Nanta

The ever popular South Korean comedy show!!

I've been meaning to watch this show ever since my first time visiting Seoul but time was always an issue. Fortunately (haha), rain started pouring in Seoul. So now had the perfect opportunity to watch Nanta as we wait for the rain to stop.

Known as a kitchen musical, Nanta is a non-verbal, live presentation that incorporates the traditional sounds of the samul nori rhythm into a modern interpretation using ordinary kitchen utensils. Being lucky enough to take a course on samul nori last year, it really isn't an easy task catching the beat and rhythm, let alone using kitchen utensils to do so but the cast did it magnificently well!

Nanta is definitely a must see show that would entertain everyone in the family. My parents, who are not big fans of plays and musicals, were on the edge of their seats and laughing their butts off!


3rd Floor
Unesco Building
50-14 Myeongdong 2ga
Jung Gu